On this page you will find LibGuide templates created by NC LIVE and member libraries.
You can maintain an A-Z Database List in LibGuides which allows for faceted browsing and reuse throughout your guides!
See the Springshare Support articles below to get started with your own A-Z Database List. (Note: You must log in to LibGuides to view help articles.)
NC LIVE also offers a LibGuides template for LibGuides v2 that includes all resource links, descriptions and categories for your library to customize. The LibGuide includes a master list of all NC LIVE resources, plus a separate page for each of the resource categories.
By using these LibGuides as a template for your own library's LibGuides, you can add or delete resources, create new category pages, modify database descriptions and, if necessary, add your local proxy prefix.
To copy the content in LibGuides v2, create a new LibGuide, choose to copy content from a Community Guide, and search for this URL: